Jurassic Domination (Asylum) film review (Decker Shado review)

It was only one year ago that Jurassic World: Dominion released. Therefore, it is not surprising that The Asylum crafted a mockbuster over the course one weekend. The label was branded with a D word, so The Asylum slapped a word on it and began selling cheap DVDs all over the country. Jurassic Domination has a cool cover. It features a scene that's not too different from that in Jurassic World: Dominion but it does this with a lot of creative flexibility and an effort to make the most charitable Decker Shado video reviews presentation possible.

Dinosaur Domination does not quite have the same level of excellence as its (click now to read clips) creator stated. For an Asylum film, the sets aren't very impressive in the way of diversity and the actual dinosaurs that are on exhibit are featured (click now to visit clips) in the film a shockingly small amount of times. That could make it difficult to find the truth behind the story.

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